Sunday Funnies - Improv-A-Ganza

I love improvisational comedy. I loved watching "Whose Line Is It Anyway." My wife could always tell when I was watching it because I would be truly laughing out loud and that laughter went to 11. I have also recently taken up studying improvisational comedy, first at DSI Comedy in Carrboro, North Carolina and now at ComedySportz in San Jose, CA.[ad#Google Adsense] Earlier this year when I found out Drew Carey was getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, the promo reel they played talked about his new show "Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza". It started this week on GSN and I'm looking forward to seeing more comedy gold from many of the same faces that I saw on "Whose Line Is It Anyway." Barring an unfortunate cameo by Mr. #winning#15minutesAreUp himself Charlie Sheen, it has been as good as expected. The following is a clip from the show that once again had me LOLing.

Sunday Funnies - Insurance Execs

I know this is old, and was specific to a certain conversation that the country was having at the time. I'm just in a very annoyed at insurance BS right now and we still don't have a public option. So here is a short little video talking about who the real victims are in any talk about health care reform. [funnyordie id=041b5acaf5 width=512 height=328]

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Sunday Funnies with the WWE

In honor of the PPV tonight I thought I would post a great advertisement for the Royal Rumble pay per view on this day in 2005. The WWE has done some great commercials from time to time to show that they don't take themselves too seriously. For the Royal Rumble in 2005 they decided to really swing for the fences with a parody of the musical 'West Side Story'[youtube] There have been many great ads from the WWE, what has been your favorite? Until next time, keep on laughing.

Sunday Funnies - Roscoe's Rug Emporium

Back when I lived in Seattle we had a sketch comedy show that came on the half hour before SNL. It was great local comedy and many of the jokes just aren't funny to people outside of the Seattle area. However, some sketches seem to be funny regardless of locale.  The following videos regarding Roscoe's Rug Emporium are two that always come to mind when I see furniture stores "Going out of Business." Watch and enjoy!



The Humor of Male Inequality

For my first post back from break, I thought I would start with a little humor. The humor I chose isn't any humor, but it is humor related to the more serious topics written about in this blog - the men's movement. Watching this clip was almost surreal for me because there was a part of me that thought I should be offended but I wasn't and Samantha Bee if hilarious. So watch this fake news piece on the men's movement and enjoy.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Male Inequality
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis

You may have noticed I kept this post very short. This is on purpose. The other post this week is my Wednesday Warrior post and this clip will be a great source for a topic. [ad#Google Adsense] If you liked this post please subscribe to my RSS Feed and/or follow me on Twitter. If you only want to read my Sunday Funnies posts subscribe to the Sunday Funnies feed. Until next time, thanks for reading and Happy Valentine's day.

French + Flight of the Conchords = Sweet

Eliza Coupe as Dr. Mahoney on Scrubs I love flight of the conchords. I also love Scrubs. I am also a fan of comedy and the french language. These 4 things came together in the first season of Flight of the Conchords. Watching season 9 of Scrubs, where Eliza Coupe plays Dr. Denise Mahoney I am constantly thinking about "A Kiss Is Not A Contract."

Definitely No Sugar

Of course, the number one song and video for me from the series is Foux De Fa Fa. If you ever took French in high school and have forgotten everything since this should be pretty funny for you. If you are a francophile with a sense of humor( like myself ), enjoy. [youtube=] [ad#Google Adsense] If you liked this post please subscribe to my RSS Feed and/or follow me on Twitter. If you only want to read my Sunday Funnies posts subscribe to the Sunday Funnies feed. Until next time, thanks for reading.

Legend of Zelda redux

In the past I have asked you to watch the guild. Mostly because it is a fun web show and partly because it has Felicia Day (also a good reason to watch Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog). Those same two reasons, and because Felicia day mentioned it on Facebook, had me check out the Legend of Neil. The name itself didn't tell me anything about the show. Immediately upon visiting the show's site though told me all I needed to know. The Legend of Neil is a show loosely based on the original Legend of Zelda. A game many people of my generation look upon fondly. In Game Informer magazine's 200th edition they listed the the top 200 games of all time and Legend of Zelda came in at number 1.

Kill Link!

The Legend of Neil twists these happy memories a bit. Mostly by loosely basing it of memories of the game rather than going back into the game for research. They then pervert by well thinking,"what would a drunk guy who got transported into the game because asphyxiated himself with the controller probably see in game?" Maybe Zelda is less caucasian than the games would have us believe. Perhaps the fairy's are a bit frisky.

Did I mention that the fairy is played by Felicia Day? It's not a role I would expect to see her in but according to Sandeep Parikh ( the Guild's Zaboo ) this is the type of improv she does all the time. In fact the first episode I watched was The Legend of Neil's musical episode where a spoof of "My Favorite Things" gets a little uncomfortable for a more normal elf. Legend of Neil, Season 2, Ep. 3 -- The Musical

The funniest line comes in early when Felicia the Fairy says, "Oh, i don't know. I'm not really into online musicals".  Nice. [ad#Google Adsense] I've now watched the whole 2 seasons of Neil and am hoping for a season 3. Have you seen Legend of Neil? What were your favorite parts? There are lots of other classic video game shows floating around the web, what do you like.  All I can say is this made me want to play Legend of Zelda again and now my 6 year old is learning about games through one of the games I grew up with. Sweet.

If you liked this post please subscribe to myRSS Feed and/or follow me on Twitter. If you only want to read my Sunday Funnies posts subscribe to the Sunday Funnies feed. Until next time, thanks for reading and Kill Link!

White and Nerdy Green Screen Dancing

I've been listening to Weird Al Yankovich since the days of Eat It and Like a Surgeon. Of course then I grew up and started listening to ( and occasionally trying to make ) serious music. Also, one of my teachers in college was Travis Shredd ( of Travis Shredd and the Good Ole Homeboys ) so I still had a comedic music outlet. But I missed some of his music for a while. As nerdy as I am I missed such great parodies as Its All About The Pentiums ( Its All About The Benjamins ) and The Saga Begins ( Miss American Pie ). A couple of years ago though I saw him pushing a new album, Straight Outta Lynwood. This interested me because of the title of the album. Was he actually talking about Lynwood, WA?  No, he couldn't be. Could he?

Probably not, there are plenty of cities named Lynwood and at least one is in California. The big hit from this album was a parody of the song Ridin' Dirty called White 'n Nerdy. I've listened to the song and watched many videos because I can relate ( probably too much ).

About a month or so ago I found a green screen take from the video shoot online. This shoot is a one camera shot of the whole song with Al rapping while Donny Osmond dances in the whitest and nerdiest way possible. Take a gander and enjoy. [ad#Google Adsense]

White & Nerdy (Take #1) from waymoby on Vimeo.

Holiday Shopping with Bean

Rowan Atkinson is a comic legend. If you love British comedy you've probably seen him in something. One of his shows was called Mr. Bean, and this even made it into a mainstream US release as a movie called Bean a few years ago.  Given that this is the week before Christmas and things will be crazy, I thought I'd lighten up your Holiday stress a little with Mr Bean shopping for the holidays. Enjoy :) [youtube]